Details on the event


Joint Astrophysical Colloquium

An ALMA+JWST View of Especially Massive Galaxy Build-up in the Early Universe

Rychard Bouwens (Leiden University)

Thursday 02/03/2023 @ 11:30, Sala IV piano Battiferro

One long-standing frontier in extragalactic astronomy is the build-up of massive galaxies in the early universe. New observations with JWST have been demonstrating in a number of striking ways how rapidly early mass build-up proceeded, seemingly even more rapidly than thought prior to the launch of JWST, and challenging current theoretical models. Even as JWST has been providing us with a view on the build-up of stellar mass, observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter Array have been providing us with a further view on the build-up of dust and the gaseous reservoirs around galaxies, with particularly rich information becoming available from an ALMA large program in cycle 7 known as REBELS, and on-going follow-up to this program. In my colloquium, I will summarize some of the early exciting work with JWST, highlighting in particular the work I have been involved in, while also presenting a status update on on-going science being conducted on massive galaxies at z~7, being observed with both ALMA and JWST following on from the large program.