Extragalactic astronomy at INAF OAS Bologna comprises several research groups. Their studies include a wide range of subjects, from the structure and evolution of “normal” galaxies, to the physical properties of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and galaxy clusters, to large-scale structures and cosmology.
These studies are based on multi-wavelength (radio, infrared, optical and X-ray) observations taken with the most advanced instruments available today: the ESO optical/NIR telescopes (including VLT), the Hubble Space Telescope, the X-ray satellites Chandra and XMM-Newton, the Westerbork, VLA and ATCA radio-telescopes.
Observations are then compared to theoretical predictions in order to determine the physical processes that lead to a given observational property. Among the other things, this enables us to put constraints on many cosmological parameters as well as on the scenario of structure formation and evolution.
Thematic areas:
- Massive black holes and their role in galaxy evolution
- Galaxy evolution with spectroscopic surveys
- Galaxy clusters at X-rays
- Gravitational lensing
- Cosmology with the CMB
Involved staff scientists:
- Sandro Bardelli
- Micol Bolzonella
- Alberto Cappi
- Andrea Comastri
- Olga Cucciati
- Roberto Decarli
- Ivan Delvecchio
- Stefano Ettori
- Fabio Finelli
- Roberto Gilli
- Carlo Giocoli
- Carlotta Gruppioni
- Alessandro Gruppuso
- Giorgio Lanzuisi
- Massimo Meneghetti
- Marco Mignoli
- Daniela Paoletti
- Lucia Pozzetti
- Mauro Roncarelli
- Mauro Sereno
- Giovanna Stirpe
- Livia Vallini
- Eros Vanzella
- Daniela Vergani
- Fabrizio Villa
- Fabio Vito
- Anita Zanella
- Elena Zucca