Details on the event


Astrophysics Talk

Environmental Effects in the First 2 Gyr: Analyzing Galaxies in a z=3.35 Protostructure

Ben Forrest (University of California, Davis)

Tuesday 03/10/2023 @ 14:00, Sala Antonio Sollima IV piano

The environment in which a galaxy resides is known to influence its evolution significantly, as is clear from numerous studies of clusters in the local Universe and out to z~1.5. Galaxies in these clusters are more evolved, with larger stellar masses and redder colors than coeval field galaxies. The natural conclusion is that the progenitors of these galaxies must have had a period of enhanced star formation and gas processing in the past. However, it is still unclear when the mechanisms responsible began to play a role. In this talk I will present a case study of a recently confirmed protostructure at z~3.35 which suggests that such processes are already underway.