Details on the event


Astrophysics Talk

Field-Level Inference: Unveiling the Physics of the Primordial Universe and Beyond

Adam Andrews (OAS Bologna)

Tuesday 10/10/2023 @ 14:00, Sala Antonio Sollima IV piano + remoto

Field-level inference has emerged as a powerful tool for extracting maximal information from cosmic fields, enabling the constraints on physics and inference of the early universe's initial conditions. In this colloquium, I will present my pioneering application of field-level inference to infer the physics of the primordial universe, explicitly focusing on primordial non-Gaussianity. My method offers the potential to address several open challenges in this field, such as effectively handling observational effects and breaking degeneracies within the physics model. Additionally, I will touch upon other relevant applications, including weak lensing at the field level and ongoing reconstructions. Finally, I will provide an exciting outlook on future projects that field-level inference can unlock, expanding our possibilities in the field of cosmology and beyond.