Details on the event


Astrophysics Talk

Radio (mini-)haloes in galaxy clusters: what do we know? Do we know things? Let’s find out!

Chris Riseley (DIFA - UNBO)

Tuesday 14/11/2023 @ 14:30, Sala Antonio Sollima (IV piano Battiferro)

In this talk I will present the first results from the “MeerKAT-meets-LOFAR” mini-halo census, a flagship census of mini-halo systems performed with the two most sensitive radio telescopes in the world, in conjunction with X-ray data. The first three systems we have studied demonstrate that “mini”-haloes are often not quite so “mini”, and the once-clear division between mini-halo and halo is far more blurred than previously thought, suggesting a potential evolutionary link. I will discuss what we have learned about the physics of these sources, about particle acceleration and magnetic fields in clusters, and the thermal/non-thermal connection in the ICM, as well as future prospects for the field at large.