Details on the event


Astrophysics Talk

Gaia RVS spectra Validation: Gaia RVS benchmark stars and serendipitous discoveries

Elisabetta Caffau (GEPI, Paris, France)

Tuesday 07/05/2024 @ 14:00, Sala Antonio Sollima (IV piano Battiferro)

The Gaia satellite has already provided the astronomical community with three data releases whose data are revolutionising the understanding of our Local Group. The Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) on board Gaia has already provided the radial velocity for 33 million stars and will do more. But radial velocities need to be verified and, when possible, improved. Also Gaia data need to be validate and improved, so a large effort is invested in this respect. I lead an on-going project dedicated to improve Gaia RVS radial velocity, observing bright stars with UVES at VLT to provide calibrators to the Gaia RVS that will improve accuracy in the radial velocity determination. But good-quality data allow to do science and the project allowed to investigate a neglected element like Rb. Validation on RVS radial velocity confront us with extreme object that can lead us to serendipitous discoveries.