Informazioni sull’evento


Special Talk

PhD student talks

PhD student talks

Wednesday 09/10/2019 @ 14:00, Sala IV piano Battiferro

14:00 – Cecilia Bacchini "Volumetric star formation laws of disc galaxies". 14:30 – Antonio Pensabene The ALMA view of quasar host galaxies at the dawn of cosmic time 15:00 – Chiara Stuardi "The magnetic field in the outskirts of merging galaxy clusters and beyond" 15:30 – Federica Loiacono An ALMA survey for serendipitous lines in the ALPINE fields 16:00 – Deborah Costanzo "Probing inner motion flows via Fe K emission/absorption lines variability in NGC 3783" 16:30 – Alessandro Franco Time delays for time-like geodesics in Schwarzschild metric.