Seminars held in 2021
- 07/01/2021, Isabella Prandoni (INAF-IRA), "The LoTSS Deep Fields: first data release" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 12/01/2021, Thomas Pasini (Hamburg University), "A first view at the core of A1668: offset cooling and AGN feedback" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 19/01/2021, Jiao Kang (DIFA Università di Bologna), "Toward a direct measurement of the cosmic acceleration: roadmap and forecast on FAST" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 26/01/2021, Federico Stasyszyn (Universidad de Cordoba), "Magnetic fields origins from Primordial Black Holes" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 28/01/2021, Jacqueline Hodge (Leiden Observatory, Leiden), "A dust-unbiased view of high-redshift star formation" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 02/02/2021, Angela Adamo (Stockholm University), "Star clusters as footprints of star formation and stellar feedback in galaxies" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 09/02/2021, Chiara Stuardi (Unibo / IRA), "An update on magnetic field estimates in galaxy clusters: the case of Abell 2345" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 16/02/2021, Elisa Prandini (Università di Padova), "Astrophysics and cosmology with extreme blazars" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 23/02/2021, Ambra Di Piano (INAF OAS), "Real-time analysis detection methods for the Cherenkov Telescope Array" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 25/02/2021, Kiyoshi Masui (MIT), "A Synoptic View of Fast Radio Bursts with CHIME" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 02/03/2021, Raffaele Pascale (INAF - OAS Bologna), "Hydrodynamical N-body simulations of the dwarf galaxies NGC 5474 and DDO 68" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 03/03/2021, Riccardo Smareglia (INAF-OATs), "Quale roadmap per le infrastrutture informatiche dell’INAF ?" (Special Talk)
- 09/03/2021, Ezequiel Marchesini (INAF - OAS Bologna), "High-energy Blazars: The End" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 11/03/2021, Roberto Casadio (Unversity of Bologna - DIFA), "Bootstrapped Newtonian gravity (from compact objects to cosmology)" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 16/03/2021, Anna Feltre (INAF OAS Bologna), "High-z galaxies from MUSE deep field observations" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 18/03/2021, Eric Jullo (LAM - Marseille), "Dark matter and dark energy with gravitational lensing" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 23/03/2021, Matteo Angelinelli (DIFA - INAF OAS Bologna), "Exploring remote cluster outskirts and filaments" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 25/03/2021, Carmela Lardo (University of Bologna), "The enigma of multiple populations in cluster stars" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 30/03/2021, Luciano Nicastro (INAF - OAS Bologna), "Hoinga: discovery of the largest SNR in X-rays at high Galactic latitude" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 01/04/2021, Nabila Aghanim (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Institut d’astrophysique spatiale), "Unveiling the hot baryons of the cosmic web" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 06/04/2021, Gabriele Matzeu (Unibo), "The evidence and characterization of ultra-fast outflows in bright local AGNs: the SUBWAYS sample" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 08/04/2021, Marco Pizzocaro (INRIM), "Intercontinental comparison of optical clocks using very long baseline interferometry" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 13/04/2021, Matteo Billi (Unibo), "New estimators for anisotropic birefringence from CMB observations" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 20/04/2021, Bradford Snios (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), "Exotic Quasars in the Early Universe" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 22/04/2021, Anita Richards (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astronomy, University of Manchester), "Venus: looking for phosphine with ALMA" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 27/04/2021, Nadia Biava (Unibo - INAF/OAS), "First study of a small sample of cool-core galaxy clusters at low frequency" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 29/04/2021, Irene Shivaei (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona), "Distant Dusty Universe" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 06/05/2021, Diederik Kruijssen (Heidelberg University), "Globular clusters revealing the formation and assembly history of the Milky Way" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 11/05/2021, Serena Banfi (Unibo), "Linking radio observations to magnetic field topology in the cosmic web" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 13/05/2021, Lorenzo Amati (INAF-OAS), "The Transient High-Energy Sky and Early universe Surveyor (THESEUS)" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 18/05/2021, Manuela Molina (INAF - OAS Bologna), "High Energy Surveys: methods and data exploitation" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 25/05/2021, Alessia Garofalo (INAF - OAS Bologna), "RR Lyrae stars in 2 nearby UFDs: Pisces II & Pegasus III" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 01/06/2021, Riccardo Arcodia (MPE), "X-ray bursts from two previously quiescent galaxies: massive black holes awakening?" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 08/06/2021, Marcus Brüggen (Hamburg University), "Highlights from eROSITA" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 10/06/2021, Shiaolin Xiong (Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), "GECAM status and preliminary results" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 15/06/2021, Eleni Vardoulaki (Thüringer Landessternwarte, Germany), "The amazing radio nature of active galaxies at 3 GHz VLA-COSMOS" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 17/06/2021, Tommaso Treu (University of California, Los Angeles), "What's the universe made of? A strong gravitational lensing perspective" (Spring Lecture)
- 22/06/2021, Gianfranco Bertone (Univ. of Amsterdam), "Gravitational Wave Probes of dark matter" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 24/06/2021, Simona Ghizzardi (INAF-IASF Milano), "Ironmarkers wanted: tracing the enrichment in the XCOP galaxy clusters outskirts." (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 14/09/2021, Andrea Comastri (INAF - OAS Bologna), "Coronal properties in Active Galactic Nuclei" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 21/09/2021, Claudia Scarlata (University of Minnesota), "Pox 186: A Case of Complete Neutral Gas Blow-Away?" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 23/09/2021, Raul Angulo (Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)), "Numerical simulations for cosmology" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 28/09/2021, Andrea Botteon (Leiden Observatory), "Diffuse radio emission from galaxy clusters in LoTSS-DR2" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 28/09/2021, Andrea Botteon (Leiden Observatory), "Diffuse radio emission from galaxy clusters in LoTSS-DR2" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 30/09/2021, Michael Janssen (Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn), "Zooming into the heart of Centaurus A with the Event Horizon Telescope" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 07/10/2021, Daniel Gruen (LMU Munich), "Cosmological insights from three years of DES" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 12/10/2021, Khyati Malhan (MPIA, Heidelberg.), "The LMS-1 stream: A fossil remnant of the early formation of the Milky Way" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 14/10/2021, Kathryn Kreckel (University of Heidelberg), "Mapping the Ionized ISM in Nearby Galaxies" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 18/10/2021, David Vallès-Pérez (Universitat de Valencia), "Untangling the complexity of cosmic flows (in galaxy clusters): accretion, mergers, shock waves and turbulence" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 21/10/2021, Cecilia Bacchini (INAF-OAPD), "Star formation laws and gas turbulence in nearby galaxies" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 25/10/2021, Andrea Rossi (INAF - OAS Bologna), "The hunt for Kilonovae" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 28/10/2021, Else Starkenburg (Kapteyn Institute Groningen), "Probing the early Milky Way with the Pristine survey" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 05/11/2021, Andrea Cimatti et al. (Università di Bologna), "Open Day II edizione del Master di II livello in “Space Mission Science, Design And Applications”" (Remote talk)
- 09/11/2021, Filippo Maccagni (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute), "Feeding and Feedback in Fornax A: a multiwavelength kinematical analysis" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 16/11/2021, Valeria Grisoni (UNIBO), "Galactic archaeology: from lithium to europium" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 18/11/2021, Andrea Merloni (Max-Planck Institute fuer Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE)), "Of Bubbles, Filaments, Echoes and Eruptions: First Results from eROSITA on SRG" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 23/11/2021, Carlo Giocoli (INAF - OAS Bologna), "Challenging small scales using future survey data and weak lensing" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 25/11/2021, Nick Kern (MIT), "Exploring the High Redshift Frontier with Neutral Hydrogen: First Results from the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA)" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 30/11/2021, Marco Tailo (Unibo), "RGB mass loss: inferences from CMD-fitting and asteroseismology" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 02/12/2021, Francesco Valentino (Cosmic Dawn Center - Niels Bohr Institute - University of Copenhagen), "The properties of the interstellar medium of normal star-forming galaxies at high redshift: story of an ALMA survey" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 07/12/2021, Giovanna Giardino (ESA), "The James Webb Space Telescope: the adventure is about to begin!" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 09/12/2021, Katarina Kraljic (Laboratoride d'Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM)), "Galaxy evolution in the metric of the cosmic web" (Joint Astrophysical Colloquium)
- 14/12/2021, Olena Torbaniuk (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II), "The connection between star-formation and supermassive Black Hole accretion in the local Universe" (Astrophysics Talk)
- 17/12/2021, CANCELED – Catherine Cesarsky (DAp, Université de Paris-Saclay, France), "The universe at hand" (Christmas Lecture)