Informazioni sull’evento


Astrophysics Talk

Galactic archaeology: from lithium to europium

Valeria Grisoni (UNIBO)

Tuesday 16/11/2021 @ 14:00, Sala IV piano Battiferro

In this talk, I will discuss Galactic archaeology in the light of detailed models of chemical evolution. Indeed, we are in a golden era for this field of research thanks to the advent of large spectroscopic surveys and projects, which are enhanced by ESA Gaia mission. In this way, detailed stellar abundances of stars in the Milky Way can be measured. Then, by means of chemical evolution models, it is possible to predict the chemical abundances expected in the stars of each Galactic component: halo, thick disc, thin disc and bulge. From the comparison between data and model predictions for different chemical elements from lithium to europium, we can reconstruct the history of star formation occurred in each component, and thus the history of formation and evolution of the entire Galaxy.

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