Informazioni sull’evento


Astrophysics Talk

Dynamic Zoom Simulations: a fast, adaptive algorithm for simulating lightcones

Marco Baldi (DIFA Univ. di Bologna)

Tuesday 28/01/2020 @ 14:00, Sala IV piano Battiferro

In the upcoming decades cosmology will be characterised by an enormous amount of unprecedented quality data mapping ever larger volumes of the Universe. The modelling and the interpretation of such data will require numerical simulations of comparable volumes to calibrate and validate analysis pipelines as well as to identify the optimal strategies to maximise the scientific exploitation of the data. The huge volumes of these simulations represent a formidable numerical challenge when combined with the tight requirements on their particle mass resolution needed to match the sensitivity and the target precision of future surveys. In this talk I will present a new numerical technique to boost the computational efficiency of large-volume cosmolgical simulations aimed at the production of mock lightcone observables for the next generation of wide-field surveys.