Informazioni sull’evento


Astrophysics Talk

The PSF reconstruction service of MICADO@ELT

Matteo Simioni (INAF - OAPD)

Tuesday 23/01/2024 @ 14:00, Sala Antonio Sollima (IV piano Battiferro)

The highest scientific return from most astronomical observations is achieved if the PSF is accurately known, especially for adaptive optics (AO) assisted instruments. The advent of the next generation AO instruments that will equip 30m class telescopes led to an increasing interest in developing new methods to reliably derive the PSF of a given observation, known as PSF reconstruction (PSF-R). In this talk I will discuss the status of the PSF-R developed in the context of the Multi-AO Imaging Camera for Deep Observations (MICADO), the first-light, AO assisted imager of the ESO extremely large telescope which will be later feeded by MORFEO when operative. The core algorithm of the MICADO PSF-R tool follows a telemetry-only approach and the PSF is reconstructed without using information coming from the science images. I will also present the application of the method to real observations and discuss the scientific evaluation of the reconstructed PSF through the analysis of simulated observations of selected science cases.