Informazioni sull’evento


Joint Astrophysical Colloquium

AGN-sCAN: a multi-purpose VLBA survey of star-forming galaxies at cosmic noon

Ivan Delvecchio (INAF-OAS)

Thursday 27/02/2025 @ 11:30, Sala Antonio Sollima (IV piano Battiferro)

Understanding the interplay between active galactic nuclei (AGN) and star-formation activity in galaxies stems from our ability to disentangle and gauge the emission arising from both phenomena. Radio-continuum observations at multiple resolutions provide a unique, dust-free window for disentangling these processes. In this talk, I will present the preliminary results obtained from "AGN-sCAN", a high-resolution (0.01 arcsec) radio survey carried our with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) in the COSMOS field. I will discuss the multifold applications of combining VLBA and lower-resolution (arcsec) radio imaging for: (i) chasing radio-quiet AGN misclassified as "normal" star-forming galaxies; (ii) calibrate AGN-free radio vs star formation rate conversions towards the SKA/ngVLA era; (iii) identifying peculiar (wandering, dual and binary) AGN candidates owing to superb angular resolution and astrometry. I will wrap up by highlighting the future prospects for reaching a cleaner and more complete census of AGN.