Seminari IASF Bologna fino al 2018


Seminari tenuti presso l’Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica di Bologna (INAF/IASF-Bologna) nel periodo 2013-2017. Dal 1° gennaio 2018 INAF/IASF fa parte dell’Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio di Bologna (INAF/OAS).

      1. 30/01/2013 15:00 – Giancarlo Ghirlanda, Gamma Ray Bursts: the faster the narrower
      2. 15/02/2013 15:00 – Tsvi Piran, On the Progenitors of Gamma-Ray Bursts
      3. 27/02/2013 15:00 – Martina Cardillo, Cosmic Ray origin: new challenges after a breakthrough
      4. 06/03/2013 15:00 – Emiliano Diolaiti, MAORY adaptive optics module for E-ELT
      5. 13/03/2013 15:00 – Mauro Dadina, Journal Club sul Workshop SPICA
      6. 27/03/2013 15:00 – Massimo Cappi, Winds and ultra-fast outflows (aka UFOs) in nearby AGNs and more distant quasars: A review
      7. 03/04/2013 15:00 – Giorgio Palumbo, Dalla Fisica Cosmica all’’Astrofisica Spaziale: storie e «amarcord»
      8. 10/04/2013 15:00 – Andrea Merloni, Science with the eROSITA All-Sky surveys: an outlook
      9. 17/04/2013 15:00 – Niccolò Bucciantini, Relativistic Wind Bubbles: PWNe and GRBs
      10. 24/04/2013 15:00 – Vito Sguera, High Mass X-ray Binaries in the renaissance era
      11. 22/05/2013 15:00 – Roberto Aloisio, Theory and observations of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
      12. 07/06/2013 11:00 – Luigi Toffolatti, Statistical properties of radio and far-infrared extragalactic sources at millimetre and sub-millimeter wavelengths
      13. 20/06/2013 11:00 – Davide Burlon, The view of Swift/BAT AGN from hard X-rays to radio frequencies
      14. 30/09/2013 14:30 – Michal Michalowski, Dust-obscured star formation in the Universe
      15. 02/10/2013 15:00 – Luca Stringhetti, Lo stato del system thinking in INAF
      16. 23/10/2013 15:00 – Fabio Mantovani, Antineutrinos from the Earth and from reactors
      17. 30/10/2013 15:00 – Maura Sandri, Planck: caratteristiche strumentali e principali sistematiche
      18. 06/11/2013 15:00 – Valentina Fioretti , BoGEMMS: a virtual telescope for High Energy Astrophysics
      19. 13/11/2013 15:00 – Valeria Ferrari, Gravitational waves from astrophysical sources
      20. 05/12/2013 11:30 – Massimo Cappi, Andrea Comastri e Stefano Ettori, The Hot and Energetic Universe
      21. 10/12/2013 15:00 – Anatoli Iyudin, Experiments on-board of the “LOMONOSOV” satellite
      22. 11/12/2013 15:00 – Rita Bernabei, Final model independent result of DAMA/LIBRA–phase1
      23. 12/12/2013 15:00 – Anatoli Iyudin, Galactic hypernovae and their signatures
      24. 17/12/2013 15:00 – Shri Kulkarni, There is plenty of room sideways
      25. 18/12/2013 15:00 – Marica Branchesi, Michela Mapelli, Massimiliano Razzano, New perspectives on the violent Universe: unveiling the physics of compact objects with joint observations of gravitational waves and electromagnetic radiation
      26. 15/01/2014 14:30 – Adriano De Rosa, Presentazione del centro di calcolo IASFBO
      27. 16/01/2014 11:00 – Luigi Piro, Massimo Cappi, Andrea Bulgarelli, Luca Valenziano, Stefano Ettori, Presentazione della proposta di missione Athena
      28. 30/01/2014 15:00 – Maurice Van Putten, GRBs and CC-SNe: Prospects for LIGO-Virgo/KAGRA searches of long gravitational wave bursts
      29. 05/02/2014 15:00 – Patrizia Caraveo, Gamma-Ray Pulsar Revolution
      30. 12/02/2014 15:00 – Giovanni Pareschi, Towards the CTA and ASTRI projects
      31. 19/02/2014 14:30 – Mauro Orlandini, Il tempo e la sua misura
      32. 12/03/2014 15:00 – Piero Rosati, CLASH: using massive clusters to probe the cosmological paradigm and primordial galaxies
      33. 18/03/2014 15:00 – Daniel Evans, The Triggering and Impact of Radio-Loud and Radio-Quiet AGN Outflows
      34. 26/03/2014 15:00 – Filippo Frontera, X-ray astronomy in Italy: from stratospheric balloons to BeppoSAX
      35. 31/03/2014 11:00 – Manoneeta Chakraborty, Probing accreting neutron star LMXBs using X-ray bursts
      36. 14/05/2014 15:00 – Alessandro Sozzetti, HARPS-N@TNG: Ushering in the New Frontier of Exoplanetary Science
      37. 21/05/2014 15:00 – Andrea Rossi, Evidence for an early-type post-starburst galaxy hosting the long GRB 050219A
      38. 04/06/2014 15:00 – Marco Baldi, Cosmic Degeneracies: a new challenge for precision cosmology
      39. 11/06/2014 15:00 – Nicolò Masi, The AMS-02 Experiment: Recent Results and Dark Matter Search Perspectives
      40. 27/06/2014 14:00 – Carolina Casadio, Two multi-spectral range polarimetric studies on the blazar CTA102 and the blazar-like radiogalaxy 3C120 during gamma-ray flares events
      41. 02/07/2014 15:00 – Massimo Cappi, Il racconto (informale) di una campagna osservativa recente alquanto fortunata…
      42. 08/10/2014 15:00 – Riccardo Campana, Exploring the South Atlantic Anomaly with BeppoSAX
      43. 15/10/2014 15:00 – Giulia Stratta, Looking for the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave sources
      44. 22/10/2014 15:00 – Fabio Finelli, BICEP2 and its implications for inflation
      45. 12/11/2014 15:00 – Lorenzo Natalucci, Opening a new window in Galactic science: results highlights from the NuSTAR observatory
      46. 19/11/2014 15:00 – Fabrizio Capaccioni, La missione Rosetta e la cometa 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: I primi risultati scientifici di una missione ambiziosa
      47. 25/11/2014 11:00 – S.I. Svertilov, RELEC Mission: Relativistic Electron Precipitation and TLE Study on-board Small Spacecraft. First Results
      48. 26/11/2014 15:00 – Damian Ejlli, Looking for axions and other pseudoscalar particles from CMB spectral distortions and temperature anisotropy
      49. 28/01/2015 15:00 – Giorgio Matt, The NuSTAR AGN Physics Program
      50. 11/02/2015 15:00 – Gabriele Ghisellini, The most powerful persistent engine of Nature
      51. 26/02/2015 11:00 – Rodrigo Nemmen, Buchi Neri: The Most Powerful and Efficient Engines of the Universe
      52. 11/03/2015 15:00 – Luciano Nicastro, The GLORIA project: status and perspectives
      53. 25/03/2015 15:00 – Diego Molinari, Photonic Crystals: a new technology for astrophysical observations?
      54. 01/04/2015 15:00 – Nazzareno Mandolesi, The Planck Legacy
      55. 08/04/2015 15:00 – Andreja Gomboc, An Autonomous Relativistic Positioning System
      56. 29/04/2015 15:00 – Maria Giovanna Dainotti, GRBs associated with SNe: a highly correlated sample
      57. 20/05/2015 15:00 – Ornella Russo, Citazioni e Author identifiers
      58. 27/05/2015 15:00 – Adriano Fontana, Lensed Clusters as natural giant telescopes: chasing high-z galaxies and Supernovae
      59. 03/06/2015 15:00 – Giulia Migliori, Tracing the high-energy emission of RGB J1512+020A
      60. 17/06/2015 15:00 – Mario G. Lattanzi, The Gaia mission: The dawn of Astrometric Cosmology? Status and prospects after one year of science operations
      61. 24/06/2015 15:00 – Fabrizio Tavecchio, Black hole lightening in IC 310?
      62. 26/06/2015 11:00 – Pawan Kumar, Tidal Disruption of a star by a BH and the nature or relativistic jets
      63. 01/07/2015 15:00 – Anthony Challinor, Weak gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background
      64. 03/07/2015 11:00 – Yuri Evangelista, An effective, compact and sensitive Wide Field Monitor concept for time-domain astronomy
      65. 23/09/2015 15:00 – Dante Minniti, The VVV Survey of the Inner Regions of the Milky Way
      66. 30/09/2015 15:00 – George Chartas, Accretion and Winds Near the Innermost Stable Orbits of Quasars
      67. 08/10/2015 11:00 – Robert Brandenberger, Searching for Cosmic Strings in New Observational Windows
      68. 11/11/2015 15:00 – Fabio Muleri, X-ray Polarimetry and new forthcoming opportunities
      69. 19/11/2015 11:00 – Matteo Guainazzi, Stato dell’arte di Astro-H a pochi mesi dal lancio
      70. 20/11/2015 09:30 – Marcos Lopez-Caniego, The Planck Compact Source Catalogues: a legacy for radio and sub-mm astronomers
      71. 20/01/2016 11:00 – Valeria Belvedere, Mapping Wastes in Complex Projects: Evidence from a Survey at INAF
      72. 02/02/2016 10:30 – Mauro Nanni, Bianca Garilli, ICT perchè mi serve? Domande, Proposte e Criticità
      73. 09/03/2016 15:00 – Fabrizio Villa, A new laboratory for Cryowaves and the ALMA band 2+3 prototype development @IASF
      74. 17/03/2016 11:30 – Sandra Savaglio, Super luminous supernovae and the investigation of the interstellar medium in high-z galaxies
      75. 23/03/2016 15:00 – Lorenzo Amati, Shedding light on the early Universe with THESEUS
      76. 30/03/2016 15:00 – Immacolata Donnarumma, Relativistic tidal disruption events: what do we learn from their rate distribution?
      77. 09/05/2016 14:30 – Raul Abramo, Cosmology with a massive multi-tracer survey of large-scale structure
      78. 11/05/2016 15:00 – Giusi Micela, ARIEL: The Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large survey
      79. 18/05/2016 15:00 – Monica Tosi, The James Webb Space Telescope
      80. 25/05/2016 15:00 – Giorgio Calderone, Automatic spectral analysis of AGN optical spectra through a IDL code
      81. 01/06/2016 15:00 – Margherita Giustini, Unveiling the physics of AGN accretion disk winds using BAL/mini-BAL QSOs: PG 1126-041 as a case study
      82. 08/06/2016 15:00 – Ester Antonucci, Solar Orbiter 2018-2028 – L’ esplorazione dei poli del Sole e delle zone circumsolari
      83. 09/06/2016 10:30 – Ezequiel J. Marchesini, Optical studies on high-energy emitting blazars
      84. 15/06/2016 15:00 – Luca Valenziano, La missione Euclid: stato dell’arte all’inizio della fase di costruzione degli strumenti
      85. 22/06/2016 15:00 – Maria Federica Marcucci, The THOR mission: Exploring turbulent energy dissipation and particle energization in space plasmas
      86. 08/07/2016 11:00 – Alessandro Gruppuso, Parity violation constraints from Planck CMB polarization data
      87. 21/09/2016 15:00 – Cosimo Bambi, Testing the Kerr black hole hypothesis using X-ray reflection spectroscopy
      88. 02/11/2016 15:00 – Marco Malaspina, È Media INAF, bellezza
      89. 09/11/2016 15:00 – Andrea Bulgarelli, Il concetto di missione eASTROGAM
      90. 16/11/2016 15:00 – Lorenzo Amati, Il concetto di missione THESEUS
      91. 30/11/2016 15:00 – Adam Hincks, Measuring Cosmic Acceleration with the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment
      92. 07/12/2016 15:00 – Carlo Burigana, Il concetto di missione CORE
      93. 14/12/2016 15:30 – Domenico Sapone, Null test for the Lambda-CDM model with growth-rate data
      94. 25/01/2017 15:00 – Alessandro Manzotti, Delensing CMB B-modes: results from SPT
      95. 01/02/2017 15:00 – Michele Bellazzini, Taking part in the ELT adventure: science cases for MAORY
      96. 09/02/2017 11:00 – Maria Giovanna Dainotti, Study of the GRB Fundamental Plane
      97. 15/02/2017 15:00 – Fabrizio Nicastro, All the X-ray Colors of the Milky Way Baryons
      98. 01/03/2017 15:00 – Lev Titarchuk, Signatures of extragalactic Black Holes (BHs) and their comparison with the Galactic ones
      99. 15/03/2017 15:00 – Riccardo Ciolfi, Binary neutron star mergers as multimessenger sources
      100. 29/03/2017 15:00 – Chiara Feruglio, On the role of superwinds in the life cycle of galaxies
      101. 05/04/2017 14:00 – Fabrizio Stavola, Stefano Buratti, Tinkering ZONE #museoscienza
      102. 26/04/2017 15:00 – Luigi Stella, Science with high throughput X-ray spectral-timing plus polarimetry: the case of the eXTP mission
      103. 03/05/2017 15:00 – David Salvetti, EXTraS: Exploring the X-ray Transient and Variable Sky
      104. 24/05/2017 15:00 – Gianluca Morgante, Il progetto LSPE (Large Scale Polarization Explorer): facciamo il punto
      105. 26/05/2017 11:00 – Elisabetta Bissaldi, Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts at high and very high energies
      106. 31/05/2017 15:00 – Ezequiel Marchesini, X-raying the Gamma-ray Sky
      107. 09/06/2017 11:00 – Bruce Gendre, Gravitation waves: a new method to study the binary evolution (and its doomed fate)
      108. 11/10/2017 15:00 – Matteo Guainazzi, The Hot and Energetic Universe with Athena
      109. 02/11/2017 11:30 – Elena Pian, Kilonovae as a Cosmic Klondike: The Ultimate Gold Rush
      110. 29/11/2017 15:00 – Fabrizio Fiore, L’utilità della scienza inutile